Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Victims: Age and Gender: Female Children:

Victims: Age and Gender:

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Chilean History

[Info] Celis Valderrama, Nicol s. Ahora veremos lo que tiene esta ni ita : El cuerpo como prueba de las violencias sexuales en el valle central de Chile, 1780-1830. Revista Historia y Justicia No. 11 (2018): 191-225.

[Site] U.S. History

Cases: Real Victims: Betty Gordon, Eunice Thompson

[Info] Baker, Bruce E. This Mob Will Surely Take My Life: Lynchings in the Carolinas, 1871-1947. London 2008.

[Info] Brown, Irene Q., et al. Family Violence and Community Justice in New England: The Case of Ephraim Wheeler, 1805-1806. 57th Annual Meeting of the New England Historical Association. Bristol 1996.

[Info] Brown, Irene Q., et al. Family Violence and Community Justice in New England: The Case of Ephraim Wheeler, 1805-1806. New England Seminar in American History. Worcester 1997.

[Info] Brown, Irene Q., et al. The Trial of Ephraim Wheeler. Early American History Seminar. Boston 1999.

[Info] Chan, Chris. Asians, Abuse, and Accusations: A Rape Trial and Race Riots in Milwaukee, 1889-1890. Wisconsin Magazine of History 95 (2012): 44-54.

[Info] Greenlee-Donnell, Cynthia R. 'Due to her tender age': African-American responses to girl rape in late nineteenth-century South Carolina. 97th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of African-American Life and History. Pittsburgh 2012.

[Info] Odem, Mary E. Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill 1995.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Indian History

[Info] Shenoy, Niyati. »The Rajah, the Rapist, and the Resident: Border-Wars in 19th-Century Bharatpur.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Seattle 2024.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Austrian History

[Info] Kirchknopf, Johann K. Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Kinder im sterreichischen Strafrecht des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Ein Delikt und Strukturmerkmal zugleich. sterreichische Zeitschrift f r Geschichtswissenschaften 28 (2017): 106-132.

[Site] English History

[Info] Bates, Victoria. »The legacy of 1885: Girls and the age of sexual consent.« History and Policy: Policy Papers (September 8, 2015).

[Info] Le Feuvre, Cathy. The Armstrong Girl. A child for sale: the battle against Victorian sex trade. Oxford 2015.

[Info] Williams, Lucia C.A. Virginia Woolf's History of Sexual Victimization: A Case Study in Light of Current Research. Psychology 5 (2014): 1151-1164.

[Site] French History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Louise Roque

[Info] Baumgarten, Raymond. La m saventure du lieutenant de La Ronci re ou quoi r vent les jeunes filles. La vie judiciaire No. 937 (1964): 9-12.

[Site] German History

Cases: Real Victims: Eleonore Fester

[Info] Maehle, Andreas-Holger. A Dangerous Method? The German Discourse on Hypnotic Suggestion Therapy aroung 1900. Notes and Records 71 (2017): 197-211.

[Site] Italian History

Cases: Real Victims: Ermenegilda Penzo, Giovanna Penzo

[Site] Russian History

[Info] Oberl nder, Alexandra. Unerh rte Subjekte: Die Wahrnehmung sexueller Gewalt in Russland 1880-1910. Frankfurt/Main 2013.

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

[Info] Kaladelfos, Amanda. The Condemned Criminals : sexual violence, race, and manliness in colonial Australia. Women s History Review 21 (2012): 697-714.

[Site] New Zealand History

Cases: Real Victims: Beatrice A., Mary Schroder